LinkedIn--Biggest Poacher of Employees?

I do find it flattering when Weber-Shandwick or Ketchum emails my staff members and asks them if they are interested in talking to them. Flattered....but not happy.  

This happens to SandersonPR all the time--and for years either the person took the other job and moved on, or they let me know about the email and I matched the offer if they got one.  Or I said-"Hey, that would be great for you!"  Translation...let them train you some more.

But usually there are only offers after I have sweated blood and tears training the person and getting them right to the place they need to be before an offer rolls in for them.  I am known to be a pretty tough PR woman who turns out amazing PR people.  That is because if they don't dazzle me in 3 months they are gone. Sorry, that's just the way it has to be. You have to be VERY smart in several different areas to practice public relations well.

Now enter LinkedIn, an Open Forum for poachers!  After one of my VPs was plucked up by a big company in Chicago, I checked her LinkedIn page. Lo and behold, she discussed all of her hobbies and goals, one of which was climbing the corporate ladder. Say what?

Is it only me or do I feel like the kids between 23 and 28 feel a wee bit entitled to their jobs, and sometimes act as though they are doing ME the favor? Just sayin'.  I guess it all depends on when you were born, or what you were born into.

Our young people have not seen any hard times in this country. Oh yeah, it's likely that recession in 2008 did little to affect their lives. Maybe Mom and Dad had a few investment issues, but pretty much these kids haven't lived through wars, poverty and Iots of hard work on the farm.

Do yourself a favor. Check your employees'  LinkedIn pages. Sometimes they say right on there that they are looking for "career opportunities".  What the hell do they think you are giving them?